
Showing posts with the label Homemade

Homemade Pancake Mix Recipe

#Homemade | What if you could whip up fresh pancake batter in TWO minutes? With this Homemade Pancake Mix Recipe, you can! Your kids will love these fluffy and flavorful pancakes made with white whole what flour. to Continue Reading...... A casserole is a great way to get a healthy filling dinner on the table #Dinner | 15 Kid-Friendly Healthy Casserole Recipes read more... Kitchen Cabinet Makeover Stocking a Healthy Pantry #Cabinet | I got rid of packaging and pared down my pantry items to just the simple, healthy ingredients and snacks I need to feed my family right. read more... SewPINK Hearstrings Quilt Block Tutorial #Tutorial | A quilting blog read more... Basics Tutorial Squaring Fabric #Tutorial | All the patterns say "Square Your Fabric" but what does it mean!? Often when the fabric has been cut in a shop, it arrives less than straight. Before you can swiftly use your rotary cutter you need to prepare a straight edge to work with.